Thursday, December 24, 2009

Damn You Jeff Hardy!

Okay - so Jeff Hardy is a WWE Superstar that my son LOVES! At the beginning of the holiday shopping planning season - he was not able to actually tell me what it is he wanted for Christmas & when I would ask he would just give me a blank * Who the HELL is Santa* look. So I made his list and I included a Jeff Hardy action figure thingy. He had no clue but after watching several episodes (okay the same episode repeated daily for weeks) of Dora the Explora and Go Diego Go Christmas specials, he somehow figured out that Santa is supposed to bring you things that you greatly desire. Coincedentally - he greatly desires a Jeff Hardy action figure. After learning this -I was greatly overjoyed!!

I mean I had already used my super mommy super powers and placed Jeff Hardy on the Christmas Wish List that is circulated to dad, grandparents, aunts & uncles.

So I was searching and my sister was searching ( over 10 stores in 2 states) with no luck. (Side note: K-Mart had a freaking Rick Flare but no Jeff Hardy- WTF?) So my sister, being the doll that she is, ordered the Jeff Hardy toy on ebay, quickly emailed the buyer and was satisfied after being told that it was going to be shipped out THAT DAY and would make it by Christmas.

Well suprise suprise - It aint here! And now I have a 2-year-old who is most likely going to be very disappointed and unhappy come tomorrow morning because when you're 2 and you don't get what you really want all the other overpriced crap in the world won't make up for it!

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