Monday, August 23, 2010

Your Momma Needs to be SLAPPED!

WTF is this? It's like child pornography - I couldn't even watch the entire thing. Somebody somewhere thinks this is cute. If you find them, kick their ass for me please and thank you!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tiny & T.I. Are Married....

If you know me - you know how difficult it is for me to report this. I will NOT provide details but because I'm not a hater - I will say congrats (lowercase no caps).

Alicia Keys & Swizz Beats Married Over the Weekend

Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz were marride over the weekend in southern Corsica, Piantarella.

You never know what's really going on when it comes to celebs but a lot of the rumors are based on a fraction of the truth. Hopefully AKeys knows what's up.

Monica's "Love All Over Me" Video w/ fan decided ending. See who she chooses.....

Nicki Minaj: Your Love

Nicki's looks so much better (face wise) with less make-up. I don't get this video, I don't get why she has to be sooooooo over the TOP! But whatever - this song is my Summer Love Jam!


I LOVE my people! Just a neverending source of entertainment.